Powder Coated Steel

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  • Economy
  • Durability
  • Available in Anti-Graffiti

Powder Coated Steel

Generals’ Powder Coated Galvanized-Bonderized Steel is available in all styles for toilet partitions, showers, and dressing compartments. The exclusive use of galvanized-bonderized steel provides additional protection while enhancing paint adhesion. The finish is a superior quality powder coated Hybrid Epoxy – polyester applied electrostatically, and baked until fully cured.

General’s metal panel skins are bonded under pressure to each cell of the sound deadening Ribcore with an adhesive that is impervious to moisture. General utilizes a tight ¾” cell size to ensure greater bond and rigidity to the toilet partitions.

All General Partitions’ exposed corners are reinforced with mechanically fused corner reinforcements. The reinforced corner doubles the strength of the corner while allowing simple field repairs if and when required. The corners also eliminate welding and grinding of the corners which removes some of the protective zinc coating as well as part of the metal edge.